Facebook Executive Will Testify At Senate Hearing

Facebook had been under some tension after that report showed that Instagram Facebook is causing mental health problems in teenagers. Now Facebook has taken a decision, and they have now agreed to send Antigone Davis, who is the global head of safety.

They are sending him to the Senate, and he is going to testify before the Senate Commerce sub-committee. He will talk all about what this report entails and its result on consumer protection on September 30. This had been confirmed by the Facebook spokesperson to the news.

Facebook exec will testify at Senate hearing after report finds Instagram harms teen mental health

The hearing is set to happen obviously because of the wall street journal. They have published a report or rather a series of reports that is detailing the internal discussion at Facebook. This was based on the documents that were obtained by the people.

The fact that made it very disturbing and angering for the people is that they found out that Facebook had conducted research that showed that it’s Instagram app had a negative impact on the minds of the teenagers. This greatly seemed to affect the teenage girl’s mental health.

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The fact that they have announced only the positive impacts and hidden the negative impacts has angered a lot of people. That is why there is going to be a very much required testify to the Senate. Instagram’s who was head of public policy, Karina Newton, wrote that the company is exploring ways to produce and uplift the positive content of the app.

However, all this seems to be coming too late and after that publication of the journal. No moves were made before, and the problem was not acknowledged either. So it goes without saying that a lot of people are not very happy with the way that things have turned out.

It may be true that the company is working for the betterment of the platform but are those methods working? If so, then why have they not informed the public about this? It seems like a serious issue to tackle, and public and user awareness is always necessary.

There are several questions that need to be answered, and there are several more questions that might go unabashed. We are looking forward to this testifying before the Senate. Maybe that will help in the course of things and clear up some matters. We will keep you updated, so no need to worry about that.